
Swimming Pool Laws and Regulations

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, it is estimated that ten people die each day from drowning accidents, two of which are children under the age of 14. Also, according to The World Health Organization, in many countries, accidental drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 4 and ranks as the third highest worldwide.

Swimming Pool Accidents and Prevention

Most of these deaths and accidents occur in home swimming pools. The regulations that each state and country have for pool safety are in place to help prevent these accidents and deaths, and Pool Patrol is dedicated to making sure every home has a pool and gate alarm to alert parents and guardians of danger.

Swimming Pool Accident Statistics

Factors that can lead to drownings in home swimming pools

Our pool and gate alarms meet all the requirements for every U.S. state’s laws and regulations. However, each state does have it’s own established laws and regulations and we recommend learning what is required for your home before purchasing a pool. We also recommend following up each year to learn about any new changes, so that your pool remains safe and fun. Regulations also vary throughout the world, and our products typically meet those standards as well.

We recommend contacting your local building code representative for more information about the specific regulations you will need to meet for your home.
For more information on your city, state, or country’s swimming pool laws and regulations visit The National Swimming Pool Foundation website for a list of swimming pool and spa codes.